Questions I was happy to answer:
What are you doing? Sitting on the couch, watching a mammal roll around inside of me. Taking deep breaths to help digest the chicken enchiladas I made with love for din din.
Are you a dog, cat or snake person? I like them all, but I do have a fear of snakes sliding up my vagina when I'm not looking. Also, I think dogs can be slightly pathetic much like their human masters. With the exception of putting their stinky little asses in my face, cats can do no wrong.
What position do you sleep in? Currently, I'm a left side sleeper. Supposedly for pregnancy, and for optimal spleen efficiency, sleeping on your left side is the best thing you can do. I do however have a bit of a rash building up on my left eye due to the dreamy tears I expel onto my upper cheek every night.
Do smell things in your dreams? Yes, most of the time, but the smells aren't the same as they are in awake life. A cake smells more like a brass instrument and a ferret smells more like watermelon sorbet.
When was the last time you told a lie? I think procrastination is a bit like lying and I've found myself procrastinating plenty lately due to my pregnant state. For example I'll tell myself to get up earlier to walk or write or do whatever I think may be good for my general well-being, but then I tell my subconscious I'd rather do it tomorrow, which hasn't yet happened, but still may.
Where do want to go? Indonesia. And back to India. I'd also like to explore more of Africa. Everywhere really.
What are you afraid of? In the last few weeks a pile of fears have landed in my lap. I'm fearful I won't be a good enough mother. I'm afraid of losing my identity to motherhood. I'm afraid of never being able to sleep well again. I'm afraid of what my vagina might do during childbirth. I'm afraid of a horrible war wiping everyone off the planet. I'm afraid of those men in random corners and in semi trucks who wink and wobble their tongues licentiously.
What makes you happy? Having time to make things. Playing in dirt. Conscientious aimlessness. Adventuring. My main man. Cat snuggle. Ice cream. Watching the mammal move inside of me. Unpredictable music. The everything (including the smell of) books. Getting dirty. Sex. Baths. Floating in salty water. Watermelon fights. Mud between my toes. And so much more.