Questions once answered by celebrities in a mediocre fashion magazine, most recently answered by me: What's the best style advice you've ever received? When all else fails, and the world comes to an end, remember to cover your tits in shit.
What's something you hated but now love? My father used to make me "eat or wear" my food. I hated wearing my food at the time, but now find myself loving it.
What one item should every woman have in her closet? A prosthetic leg - just in case.
Who are your style icons? birds
What is your fantasy purchase? An authentic roaring bear suit
What's your guilty pleasure? Massaging my yoni on random park benches - in fur
What's your favorite beauty product - duct tape
What's your favorite gadget? - electronic left handed scissors
What's your favorite hostess gift? - a baby seal
What's your favorite drug store buy? - ace bandages
What's your favorite comfort food? - cheese on cheese