Men surround me, some are old boyfriends, most are actors from films I have seen. The actor from Donnie Darko and the actor from Into The Wild. My former fiancé, now friend is coming to visit. He's bringing a tennis match with him. I need sneakers to avoid slipping in the mud. My friend is with me. I want to introduce this friend to my former fiancé. I know they'll get along. They are similar in their ways of viewing the world. They both view their sadness as an opportunity for discovery. We convene inside a mid-century house. My former fiancé snacks on popcorn while rushing around looking for his tennis gear. We leave the house by foot and trapse across the set of a film. All actors sit in a row at the base of a grassy hill that meets a road. We pass them by and they roll their eyes. We shouldn't be on set with muddied feet. The actor from Donnie Darko gets up. He's wearing a black suit. He leaps into the air and catches a hawk.