I'm dating the new boyfriend from Girls. He's very wrapped up in me and listens to everything I say, wide eyed. We stroll around, hand in hand. We fall in love. Later we are in an auditorium with several kids from high school. They begin telling my boyfriend about all the things I used to do as a kid, how goofy I was and how I used to laugh so hard I'd pee my pants. I hear him laughing and saying bad things about me too. I walk into the auditorium crying. He doesn't move. I tell him I'll bring him his stuff from my place, I'll mail it, he nods his head. Later I'm in Brooklyn under the J train. He approaches me and tries to hold my hand. He says he's sorry and I don't want to forgive him, but I do in a way. We hang out with a trio of British Comedians who flap and chortle in the breeze like paper dolls.