For the fertile corners of Portland, Oregon where daffodils, dogwoods and daphne bloom
And those pollinators of Slovenia
And the river according to Brian Eno and John Cale
And grandma’s dishes to sop up green chili with tortillas, while sitting with grandma ghosts
And curling dog snores
And socks half off because it’s almost warm enough
And dawning dances with Mia and Tia and strangers too.
And sleeping without an alarm so dreams can land without thuds
And carrots and artichokes and lettuces in full-wormed earth
And a book about cosmophony, geophony, and biophony
Oh yes, and impending total eclipses
The Narrator Wants a Friend
Parents could work as backstory.
From long ago Tulsa.
The cousin needs more backstory.
Their desire to know the sea.
More backstory in general.
Backstory and people. Maybe a couple of canines.
Put them up against other people. And canines.
Old people. Young people. Dogs.
Reveal their mirrored teeth.