On January 27th in the fine year of 2011, I will be hopping on a plane and then (hopefully) landing safely in Panama. Here are four bits I didn't know before ten minutes ago about Panamanian life: Panamanians believe in general that the word Panama means "abundance of fish, trees and butterflies".
Panama's wildlife holds the most diversity of all the countries in Central America. It is home to many South American species as well as North American wildlife.
Subsistence farming, widely practiced from the northeastern jungles to the southwestern grasslands, consists largely of corn, bean, and tuber plots.
The Bahá'í Faith community of Panama is estimated at 2.00% of the national population, or about 60,000 including about 10% of the Guaymí population
If you are in the mood, you should listen to this story involving Manuel Noriega's hat