Here it is. A list of 2011 dreamthings: squeeze innards clean daily with movement and mostly vegetable foodthings
send more letters to strangers, prisoners and distant family members
write a short story in Spanish and/or Vietnamese
make more music
write the first draft of a memoir about the 15th year of my life
write and perform a time-based musical about an average day
save money to buy some land
make one new recipe every week
continue releasing objects into the SRS landfill
expand the vegetable garden
build a greenhouse
spend more time in the woods
hold skype tea parties with far away friends, strangers and family
have more strangers over for potluck dinners
spend less time in front of the computer and more time outside
read, read, read
learn the art of pickling and canning
buy less, make more
take a print making class
keep dancing
teach a class on the art of doing nothing at all