Animals are in shelters like suburban homes. Ducks wear bonnets and worms sit in curtained windowsills. An old friend attempts to seduce me and I feel bad about it. He comes quickly in my hand. His semen is the color of an egg yolk.
I'm inside a plane and from the window see that we are spinning above a city. Clouds whirl back and forth. We have an emergency landing on the street. Wheels hit the ground without crashing and everyone screams a sigh of relief. My trainer sets up a class we are all interested in taking it. My boss begins to throw things, yelling at everyone in the class. I approach my trainer and suggest we all do tiny things to work out, subtle movements like picking up pens and paperclips. Dust hunting. He laughs and puts his arm around me. I squeeze him tighter. "Felicity" he says, "what are you doing?" I kiss him. My boss thrashes in the corner.
I'm dining with a friend and his new girlfriend who could be my nemesis, she's younger and wilder and spends more time making things for herself than working at a sit-to-stand desk five days a week. She's pretty and mysterious and all the stranger interweb leeches want to capture her and beat her down with domesticated mitts. Someone tries on a dress and admires it in the mirror. A party is happening and I'm not in the mood to be there. I skip to the side to read.
Chanting, Do Not Disturb
Famous surfers float in the waves just before they break on the beach. It's nighttime and there are hundreds of surfer hippies watching them. A full moon beams into the water. A fire pit roars, people drink and dance around it. Michael walks away from me taking Beckett with him. I stay and watch the surfers in the water. There are dolphin sharks swimming around them. Everyone claps and screams. A man with giant lips tells me stories, asks me questions. I'm intriguing to him and feel a relief in this intrigue. My phone buzzes. The men in the water stand up in applause. I bring the man's face close to mine. We kiss. His lips are a combination of all the lovers I've ever had. My cell phone says chanting do not disturb.