Famous surfers float in the waves just before they break on the beach. It's nighttime and there are hundreds of surfer hippies watching them. A full moon beams into the water. A fire pit roars, people drink and dance around it. Michael walks away from me taking Beckett with him. I stay and watch the surfers in the water. There are dolphin sharks swimming around them. Everyone claps and screams. A man with giant lips tells me stories, asks me questions. I'm intriguing to him and feel a relief in this intrigue. My phone buzzes. The men in the water stand up in applause. I bring the man's face close to mine. We kiss. His lips are a combination of all the lovers I've ever had. My cell phone says chanting do not disturb.
Day by Day
My friend meets me at work, which looks like a fancy kind of mall with glass doors and elevators. We have our biggest sales day ever and coworkers are swarming around celebrating. My friend hands me a book he's made called Day By Day a book of daily illustrations (similar to David Shrigley) that he drew on his iPhone years ago for his son. The drawings have sentences underneath them, the art of a task, dancing through the dishes, how to conquer the blues when encountering the UPS man. The book's publishing dates are 1697 and 7021.