Sunday. Things in threes: Miss Beckett and I took a little trip to the dollar store to procure 20 brooms for my Process Mundane workshop for the Open Engagement Conference. They had exactly 20 brooms at one dollar a piece (sometimes the dollar store charges MORE than a dollar for their goods - es no bueno). I stuffed them all into my cart then weaved through aisles while accidentally knocking into people and things with protruding broom handles.
I processed Process Mundane in front of a few friends and strangers and for the first time ate a chocolate covered banana. It wasn't exactly the turnout I expected, but we had a blast sweeping the room together and I'm motivated to continue building upon the project.
We've had a talented Australian artist, Rebecca Conroy, staying with us throughout the duration of the conference. She and I have had some sparkly banter about Indonesia, social practice, and Anne of Green Gables. After Portland, she's off to Detroit and a few other US cities for a few more art happenings.