Open Engagement starts tomorrow. Yeehaw. If you aren't familiar with Open Engagement, here's a blip of what it's all about: Open Engagement is an international conference that sets out to explore various perspectives on art and social practice and expand the dialogue around socially engaged art making. The Open Engagement conference is an initiative of Portland State University’s Art and Social Practice MFA concentration. Directed and founded by Jen Delos Reyes and planned in conjunction with the Art and Social Practice students, this year’s conference features keynote presenters Tania Bruguera, Shannon Jackson, and Paul Ramirez Jonas. The work by these artists and scholars touch on subjects including politics, economies, education, and representation. On Sunday I will be presenting my workshop/performance - Process Mundane - from 3 to 4:30 PM in the PSU Art Building (room 260). Here's yet another blip about Process Mundane - A performance/workshop designed to help those who face daily drudgery (house cleaning, paying bills, waiting in line, deleting spam from an inbox, etc.) take a look at their drudge more microscopically. Gleaning inspiration from “self help” evangelism, corporate board meetings, Allan Kaprow, and Alan Watts, Process Mundane takes a deeper look into the roots of monotonous tasks, evaluates each task, and offers viewers alternative ways of performing each task. The end goal for Process Mundane is to give a sense of play and creativity to the particularly lackluster moments most people tend to forget about.
If you are in Portland, stop by the workshop for a free chocolate covered banana, number two pencil, broom, and once in a lifetime chance to participate in a collective "sweep off".