new ear
Along with a zillion pounds of other people around the globe, I make a list of what I'd like to see happen in my own life with every changing year. These goals are often ridiculously unattainable and gratuitous, but I still like to think about them being somewhat possible. Here's the short list: Daily meditation - not the haphazard type of meditation I've been trying to do for years, but the quiet, focused, inward kind that will supposedly ground me in my daily life, actions, relationships, and mellow out my gigantic ego once and for all. I envision myself meditating in the morning after yoga practice and throughout the day - while driving, while grocery shopping, while doing the dishes, while savoring a bite of food, while brushing my hair, while singing to Beckett, while dealing with difficult people, while inhaling an unsavory fart, etc.. The more I integrate meditation into my daily life, the more open and present I'll be to everything around me. The consequences of this practice are boundless. (so I hear), but the main reasons I want to do this is to live my life more fully; to pay clearer attention to the fragments of my day I usually glaze over; and to take these fragments and morph them into every day creative play.
Eat more green vegetables from the garden. With breakfast, with lunch, with dinner. Enough said.
Spend more time in the garden. Save for the greens in the cold box that my mister built last fall, our garden is sleeping right now. When hints of spring rear their head my way, I'm going to get my hands dirty. Part of this desire will be to explore more varieties of edible plants and learn to turn them into something delicious.
Update this dang website once and for all. Stay tuned. Good things are happening on that front.
Put on a series of Samual Beckett puppet shows for Beckett.
Record a double album - one for kids and one for adults.
Launch a "Project Mundane" infomercial.
Do more Soul Recovery Systems releases.
Finish my Musical for an Average Day.
Spend more time visiting strangers in nursing homes. The old people of America are shoved into dark corners. They need some love.
Learn how to make my own underwear.
Use the computer and internet less. Instead of petering around on facebook, send letters and meet up with folks. Instead of spanning hours perusing every nook and cranny of weirdness that is on the internet, write, read, make something, or go outside.
Spend considerably less time on my phone so I can see what's happening in the real world. I'm tired of feeling like a cyborg.
All that said, this will be my first and only post for January. I need a month of blog, twitter, tumblr, facebook, pinterest, and detox.
See you again in February with fresher, less pixelated perspectives.
Lobs, FF