Aside from experiencing a majority of the ailments in my last post, today was a sparkly day indeed. Three backups singers (the talented Kaycianne, Matthew, and Juno) arrived at noon to sing to me while I did some much needed house cleaning. My friends Marina and Stephen were kind enough to document the whole thing, so once it's all edited and fancy like, I'll be posting somewhere on the interweb for willing eyes to watch. As I learned with the other versions of backup, mundane tasks are more fun and more present with an accompanying trio of talented humans. So if you ever find yourself in a rut and not at all in the mood to clean the slop from the back of your fridge, summon some backup singers. It's definitely worth it.
Today's maladies: sore ear while chewing
itchy belly button
acid reflux
carpel tunnel in both hands
dry eyes
drippy nose
sore pubic bone
sore anus
misplaced rib
stiff neck
pain in left foot
Peripheral happenings: Cat licks. Sunlight ventures. Sunflowers droop. Eyes blink. Toilet flushes. Fridge hums. Woman laughs. Child yells. Light flickers. Squirrels scramble. Leaves fall. Brakes squeak. Coats hang. Shoes pile. Books stack. Itches scratch. Clouds sink. Music blares. Pumpkins hollow. Floors creak. Fingers tap. Phone vibrates. Dust migrates. Tub fills. TV flickers. Brow furrows. Rug straightens. Closet brims. Moon ascends. Scarf wraps. Foot shuffles. Dick softens. Vents heat. Tree slouches. Raccoon sneaks. Pots simmer. Lungs heave.