A new bed has been added to the collection of beds I have slept in. You can see this particular bed and all its ruffle, HERE.
The busy has landed again. Too many things to do for a lady with a basketball belly. Here's the short list of whats been happening:rain product photoshooting, friendly dinner gatherings, yogic twisting, Seattle visiting, grandmother letter writing, cookadoo classes on hypnobirthing, tomato picking, homemade pickle eating, car selling, planetary peeking, pattern making, website tinkering, thumb twiddling, belly rolling, opera listening, TBA preparing, flower arranging, almond chewing, midwiving, water gulping, song writing, ancient Chinese sword fight dreaming, sheet cleaning, little cousin's chemo treatment well-wishing, metaphysical hand-standing, gentle humpmaking, clothing for a giant belly altering, and kitty de-furring
Sunday's day: Earl Grey tea with milk, scrambled eggs with garden treats
Big belly soak up - Washougal River
Tomatoes, onions, garlic, and cilantro from the garden diced and hand-stirred into salsa fresca
Snapshots of my manjamma in his painting digs
Bees and full pollen sacks buzz to and fro
Thoughts tapped onto computer keys
Iced tea and plant fondling
A bit of this BOOK
Twisted body inside out
Digital coding for interweb connectivity