My studio's current state includes: a vase filled with droopy flowers
a doodle of a dick
4 finished nude suits
6 cases of boxed jars
an outdated (by 4 years) calendar
a painting of a horse that wishes it were a unicorn
a handmade card from a friend
a pile of hospital bills
a box filled with pencils, erasers and shavings
a u-haul pen
a slightly flipped through New Yorker
a painting of a dirty crow
4 writing books partially filled with ideas for different projects
3 blonde wigs
1 black wig
a photo of my mother and father and grandmother
1 clown nose
a pile of old maps
an eager guitar
12 mustaches
a sonogram picture of my inner mammal
a bag of vintage buttons
scraps of nylon fabric
a half melted candle
a Pentax Spotomatic
a magnifying glass
missives on wood
a napping typewriter and sewing machine
a microphone
shelves of books (color coordinated)
Pilates DVDs
micro-cassette recorder