Now that I have a tiny mammal of my own to take care of, time for other things has dwindled. I'm still able to do the things I normally do, but it's shoved between feedings, washing diapers, and walking the baby around to soothe her farty bumchop. This makes it hard to get into a flow for any project, but the challenge works well with my usual intertwinglings of art and life. Instead of moving on my own, I dance with the little miss strapped to my chest in a baby carrier. While she suckles my breast, I tap sentences into my computer. Rather than playing the guitar and stomping my left foot to the beat, I sing songs to her while gently drumming on her back. There have been sacrifices: I no longer spend hours digging into the depths of the internet for random conversations about cheese, rocks, or other nouns, I only give myself a few minutes a day on facebook, I watch less internet TV, I drink one small glass of wine instead of three, I cook less elaborate meals, and I don't socialize with strangers nearly as much as I once did. Perhaps these are transitory sacrifices and once Miss Beckett is old enough to have a sitter, I'll get back to some of my old habits.