rants and raves in mobile, alabama: I go by the handle PACIFIST and sometimes ROCKERMOM, yes thats right im the same person and I have some things to say Ill get back to you though cause I just realized I am out of crack, and as a mature woman I have priorities! I did say Churches were comin down on the side of immigrants to fill the collection plate, but I didnt say anything about em twistin words, nevertheless claiming all of em do. Just implied that if they find a subject that makes the cash roll in, they stick to it. Think that might be one of the reasons Jesus got so ticked off with what was going on at the temple in Jerusalum. There is nothing Christian about the hatred in your hearts. Im glad all the muxicuns r leevin cuz now I get to fuk my sister mor. Hey is there a good Klan meeting around here in Baldwin or Mobile County? Judging by a lot of the posts on here I figured someone would know. We definity need more gloryholes in the area.. It is such a hassle trying to get a good blowjob around here.. it is so uncomfortable getting sucked under the partition in the restrooms. but hey a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do...