A few things on the pot today: Dakota CLearwater Lacroix has a new radio show out called Curious Lighting. This week's show is about the stuff we throw away, which happens to be one of my many fascinations. Dakota was kind enough to interview me for this piece. If your ears are up for it, please oh please do have a LISTEN.
My third and final performance for the De-Consume show is tonight from 6-7 at Place . My nearly 7 months pregnant ass will be rolling around in mud. I'm inviting other people to roll with me, so if you live in Portland and are in need of some good old fashioned mammalian style cleansing, please do join in on the rolling. MORE INFO HERE.
Also, tomorrow night at Place Gallery, myself and other artists will be doing an artist talk about the shenanigans that made up the Five exhibit. Lots of yapping, chin rubs and laughter to be had. Again, MORE INFO HERE.
In about five minutes I'll be getting a rubdown from a total stranger in my own house. Oh luxury. I will never take you for granted.