It's so lovely outside today I'm only allotting myself 7 minutes of computer time. Here's 7 minutes of present miscellany: In eye patches, the neighbor's children bang on broken doors. Rotund cats roll around pebbles and lick dry toes. Bees buzz from lavender to rosemary. Bamboo sways. Intestines digest a bowl of cereal. Someone lights a firecracker. Laundry spins. Cigar smoke wafts into nostrils. A beer pops open. A blonde woman runs by in short green shorts. A neighbor talks on his cell phone to his mother. An airplane takes off. Chickadees wrestle and sing. Wind whirls. Sun points shadows towards the right. A pink fleshed man speeds by on his bicycle. A basketball dribbles. A lawnmower hums. Windchimes chime.