It's been a reclusive week here on 8th avenue. Loads of ruminations and subtle misanthropic whispers. I have been coming down with bouts of ick from absorbing various computer worlds, so, save for a story that's in the works and "work work", my creative time has been devoted to the body and all it produces. Thankfully two of my big upcoming projects fit into this method of practice, so I'm not feeling too guilty about my digital restraint. Here's what I've been working on: 100 ways to say hello
100 ways to say goodbye
100 ways to sit in a chair
Taking note and recording some of the non-word sounds myself and others make (sighs, burps, hums, clicks, swallows, hoots, yowls, caws, etc.)
climbing from bed, getting dressed, brushing teeth and bathing choreographies for my average day musical
watching - and learning from - cats