As (non-religious, pro-love) Reverend of the Yellow Chapel, I marry willing participants to themselves, another human, a group of humans, an idea, a feeling, a critter, a plant or an object. I also divorce willing participants from themselves, another human, a group of humans, an idea, a feeling, a critter, a plant or an object.
Yellow Chapel ceremonies can be public or private. They can be in supermarket aisles, churches, coffee shops, mosques, zoos, on dance floors, or they can be in the cozy of a home. They can be anywhere as long as participants are comfortable and ready to commit.
And how do you know when you're ready to commit? Good question! When you've run the person/people/critter/thing/idea/feeling around your head in sweaty marathons, when you feel like you want to see or don't want to see the person/people/critter/thing/idea/feeling for the long haul. That's when.
Committing to a thing/or a someone is largely your own dedication to personal freedom and the inevitable changes that come with time, space and oxygen. I'm here to facilitate this commitment, to birth it into the ether, but really, the rest is up to you.
I can pronounce you freshly married or divorced, but you are never bound to anything. If for some reason the person/idea/thing you have married or divorced isn't working out anymore, you are free to let them/it go. This is a loving commitment you’ve made, but it’s not a prison.
Ceremonies are approximately 15 minutes to 45 minutes long. All newlyweds and divorcees will receive a congratulatory card, free marriage and/or divorce advice, and a hug.
Fill out the form below to schedule a ceremony or send any questions my way:
A "bad ghost" divorce from the 2018 portland love show - photo by William Rihel