Jessica on Felicity: Breath - fruit, generic sandwich, tropical wind, Hair - like my hairbrush, almond, cumin, natural food store, the morning, Neck - hot gay man, tobacco, light musk, sweetness, Barney's in San Fran, Armpits - sweet musk, fancy but real, summer time, Barney's, Elbows - very faint musk laced with candy, a fancy candle with black glass container and pale pink wax, Hands - paper towels, earth, sweat, an organized office, Knees - summer skin, hard work, Feet - natural, hay, wood, plastic, a clean barn, Butt - grass, cotton, walnuts
Felicity on Jessica: Breath - corn chips, onion, guacamole, turned wine, patchouli, mom's breath when I was little - after a night at a restaurant, Hair - almond, melon, hair dye, salon fresh, the first time I dyed my hair fire engine red, Neck - sage, warm summer nights, the skin inside a leather glove, my mom's fabric store, Armpits - black pepper, purple, toasted sesame seeds, a fancy Mexican restaurant with a fountain, with hydrangeas, Elbows - toasted pepper, hands in gloves, and airport bookstore, Hands - plastic doll, zucchini wax, Barbara's Cheese Puffs, a farmer's market, Knees - wet baby smell, sawdust, me on a wet hot day, Feet - mold, leather, pepper, brie, the leather couch in grandma's basement, Butt - that fancy Mexican restaurant, heated cotton, Goddard's music room
Annika on Felicity: Breath - the body, natural, moist, like a bog that cleanses itself, has an ecological system, Hair - dry, floral undertones, pillow, a friend's hair, sleep, Neck - like hair, fabric, warm shirt, cotton, subtle spaciousness, a room, Armpits - sweat, cotton, rose, borrowing clothes, wearing a friend's clothes, Elbows - cozy, like a duvet, slightly floral, similar to hair, being a guest at a familiar home, the smell of sheets on a bed, Hands - thumb smelled like chopped herbs for salad, rest of hand smells like cotton with floral undertones, a kitchen, a cutting board, Knees - unscented, uncertain
Felicity on Annika: Breath - minty, sweetness from a mango, copper, vanilla, Jill Mason's house at Christmas, something in the oven, Hair - rosemary, patchouli, Burt's Bees, honey, like Beckett, a playground, autumnal air in Jersey, clothes in a dryer, Neck - bitter orange (neroli), lavender, yoga studio, a massage table, an herbal fruit salad, Vermont, Goddard students in the winter, hanging out inside a scarf, Armpits - lavender, rosemary, sage, men in Tunisia, almonds, Elbows - metallic, a whisper of sage, lavender, winter on a chairlift, a little sunburn, the smell of a head when a hat is removed, Hands - cinnamon, clove, honey, pennies, vanilla bean, mulled wine, meed, hanging around a fire in Vermont, smells like now, here, edging into fall, Knees - rubber, vanilla bean, British tea cakes, he log ride, cotton candy in the air
Chi on Felicity: Breath - kissing a boy, water, scented candle, clean, my first boyfriend Michael, Hair - hidden scent, underneath a full day, busy and on the go, my best friend in NY, Neck - clean, subtle, earthy puddles, almost unscented, swimming in a lake, herb, not hiding, Armpits - vintage stores, antiques, items in an empty house, out in the woods, collecting air, desolate spaces, no people around, haunted houses, Elbows - pages in a book, white chocolate and powdered sugar, pure, almost scentless, dash of cologne, Hands - soy candles, and Thai food, hidden scents covered by wind, time, Knees - almost scentless, doilies, a drop of tea or coffee, Feet - shredded papaya with vinegar and Indian food, sweet flower with earthy undertones, walking in the rain, Butt - lavender, fresh from laundry, sweetness, baby powder, new freshness
Felicity on Chi: Breath - cigarette, Adam Suerte (a guy I used to know, the boy who introduced me to cigarettes, Nine Inch Nails), Silvercreek Lodge, vending machines, Hair - herbal shampoo from the Indian grocer, sweet mud, my friend Coleen's pillow, Neck - pepper, sage, the woods in fall, the moist inside layer of bark, a bird cage, sweet animal smell, Armpits - ice cream sundae, clove, star anise, a couch in the basement, a cozy, hanging out place, weed, bong hits, a plate of snickerdoodles, purple, gingerbread, Elbows - clove, smoke, deep earth, Beckett's preschool, an Indian bazaar, Hands - smoke, Drum tobacco, sage, pepper, vanilla bean, Italian church pew, must, flowers not known for their smell, Knees - moldy, herbaceous, mildew, earthworm, digging in the garden, Feet - cornsilk, mildew, the part of a fabric store that no one touches, cotton hanging out inside darkness, damp cloth, Butt - closet, sage, autumn, wet leaves, my grandfather's closet, a cave
Jay on Felicity: Breath - hot breath, water, bath water, fountain water, at a restaurant, patio water spilling over, Hair - flower pond, river, small creek, flower that dwells in a damp place, Neck - soapy salty skin, sweaty fruit, oceanic, where the water meets the sand, leaves the sand, Armpits - body's odor present but not overpowering, soaked moist dirt, vine coming out of dirt, Elbows - very pure baby smell of smoothness, creamy pudding, foam of milk, Hands - shallow ocean, salt water, shore, sandy, salty sweetness, Knees - unscented cream, bark, moist tree in winter, tree bough saturated with rain, Feet - sweat, fungus, moldy, leathery, aged cheese, gruyere, soft mud, Butt - sinking into lake mud, dress material, closet, sugar from a peach
Felicity on Jay: Breath - wine, cinnamon roll, my parents coming home from a night out, warm summer, cotton pajamas, Hair - lanolin, sea brine, western grocery store shampoo, the inside of a clam, toiletries aisle, Neck - synthetic masculine product, NYC cab driver, freshly showered heterosexual gym rat, hanging out under the X-mas tree, Armpits - generic pine, fresh, but not necessarily clean, my perfumed cousins, Elbows - new/old, amusement park log ride, windowpanes in the rain, Hands - cash & change, salty sweet roll, beach bathhouse, New Jersey, lady on a beach towel, the inside of Grandma Millie's handbag, warm sand, Knees - urine, sandwich, oil and vinegar, dirty laundry, road trip, Feet - grassy dust, mold, mildew, mill pond, bark dust around a shallow pond, Butt - lanolin, leather, musky candy shop, sprouts, bacon ice cream
Johanna on Felicity: Breath - children, cozy, stuggling with Juni, Hair - quilt, warm house, exotic spices and herbs, Neck - sister, floral, bark, Armpits - sweat, my friend Molly, floral, bark, earthy warm , Elbows - faint floral, earth, bark, Hands - powdered soap, pink industrial soap, grade school soap, Knees - glycerin soap, basil, Feet - salt, romano, the end of a day, arriving home, Butt - home, fabric, floral mystery
Felicity on Johanna: Breath - lemon, clean teeth, sugary, my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. P., Hair - salt, brine, sunburn, rosemary, my cousin Tyler, Neck - verbena, grass, green tea, Thassoloniki Island cool breeze, Armpits - peppermint, herbaceous musk, rained on dirt, Elbows - vanilla bean, dry pennies, aloe vera, parched dirt, palmolive soap, Aunt May May, Hands - pear tree, dirt, sun on grass, summer, my friend Colby's bathroom, the woods of Fraser, Knees - swing chains, salty cotton, Feet - rubber, salt, leather, a leather balance beam, Butt - curry, stew, dirty laundry, baby doll head, breast milk
Antonio on Felicity: Breath - cotton candy spinner machine, Hair - vanilla and the color orange, Neck - spicy flowers and warm, Armpits - black pepper and floral, Elbows - salty baby, baby oil, Hands - musty lavender, purple, Knees - astringent, bar of Ivory soap in my mouth at 8 years old, Feet - leather, flowers, Florshems NY shoe store, Butt - Ash, warm, dryer lint
Felicity on Antonio: Breath - popcorn! Hair - lanoline, smoke, Matt a kid from Junior High, Neck - shea butter, nickels, my piano teacher's hands, Armpits - rosemary, thyme, charcoal, cat urine, my former roommate Meg, Elbows - metal, toll booth, bus seat, old bus, Hands - cigar smoke, synthetic lotion, oak, piggy bank, Knees - bike tire, camp fire, lanolin, the old west, Knees - mildew raft, rubber, salt, moldy earth, camp fire, Butt - musty sweetness, mildew, old hammock
Tony on Felicity - right elbow-vaguely floral, left elbow-vanilla, right hand-5 years old/diamond center, left hand-nutmeg, right knee-vanilla neutral, left knee-makes me think of pinecone, right ear-an enigma I remember, left ear-something dark with trees, right foot-dry mushroom, left foot-moss by the ocean, head-deep elderberry
Overall response - you smell like the places of my early childhood
Felicity on Tony - right elbow-rubber, left elbow-burnt rubber, right hand-pennies inside a crepe, left hand-herbed ham, right knee-front seat of my grandfather's car, left knee-wet rainy concrete, right ear-acidic lemon and parsley, left ear-metallic citrus, right foot leather!, left foot-vast musty library, head-metallic grease and sunburn
Overall response - metallic and lots of food - well-prepared food with the proper balance of flavors
Joy on Felicity - right elbow- empty warm smell, left elbow- tea, right hand-chamomile, left hand-cinnamon (light), right knee-cedar sauna, left knee-soft baby powder, right ear-powder (strong girly), left ear-powder (mild), right foot-sweaty foot (mild), left foot-eraser, head-powder strong (girly)
Overall response - warm herbal and girly
Felicity on Joy - right elbow-toasted macaroon, left elbow-spring rain shampoo from the 80's, right hand-aqua net from the 80's, left hand-peppery vanilla, right knee-lime zest and vibrant but artificial laundry detergent, left knee-exactly the same as the right, but maybe a wee bit more potent, right ear-spring on the playground, left ear-papaya and lime zest and a little more of that aqua net from the 80's, right foot-dusty chocolate (a chocolate bar on a warm dirt road), left foot-carnitas burrito, head-cotton candy at a summer carnival
Overall response - 80's nostalgia, girlhood
Duane on Felicity - right elbow-flowers and fruity, left elbow-similar to right elbow, right hand-cherry and citrus, left hand-metal and fruit, right knee- sweetness, floral, left knee-cotton and a little floral, right ear-soapy fragrance, left ear-soapy fragrance, probably shampoo, right foot-potatoes, left foot-potato and sugar, head-floral shampoo, maybe a bit herbal
Overall response - entertaining and sexy as hell. Paradise for a dirty old man.
Felicity on Duane - right elbow-smoked cherry with leather, left elbow-chlorinated water and dried apricots, right hand-lanolin lotion and salty butter on corn, left hand-butter, powdered sugar and more lanolin lotion, right knee-a sweaty old leather chair, left knee-"unscented" (artificially "unscented" scent), right ear- back seat of an old car when the windows are open on a country road, left ear- toasted lemon peel and a worn winter hat, right foot-brine, left foot-a musty horse stable, head - summer, leather, smoky lanolin
Overall response - smoky, masculine, summery with a trace of sweetness and brine
Anonymous on Felicity - right elbow-no association, left elbow-no association, right hand-scented soap, left hand-sweet perfumish, right knee-same as left hand, left knee-sweet, right ear-earthy, left ear-sweet soil, right foot-faint smell of foot, left foot-a little leather, head-sweet, heavy herbal
Overall response - smelling is not my forte
Felicity on Anonymous - right elbow-cigarettes and cotton, left elbow-sour smoke, right hand-the strongest smell is cigarettes with a touch of lubriderm lotion and dimes, left hand-more of the cigarette smell from the left hand and compost soil, right knee-horse saddle and dusty drawer, left knee-beer, cigarettes, laundry that has been sitting in a pile for a while, right ear-lemons, brine, smoky vanilla, gristly meat, left ear-musk heightened by dried fruit sweetness and more smoke, right foot-moldy earth, left foot-earthy leathery lobster, head-cinnamon spiced meat hanging in the sun
Overall response - smoky with hints of musk and subtle warm sweetness. A bit like a cigarette on the beach.
Felicity on Becca - right elbow-baby bird, left elbow-lilacs and hot cotton, right hand-canned peaches, left hand-sugary pennies, right knee-sweet and rubbery botanical, left knee-similar to the right, but less rubbery, right ear-stainless steel pan washed with lemon water, left ear-sunshine dried laundry, right foot-kitty pee and leather, left foot-dusty and dried out leather, head-delightful pear blossom and sunshine
Overall response - sweet and sunny with warm cotton, peaches and pears. French botanicals
Becca on Felicity - Right elbow- no smell, left elbow-sharp soap, right hand-sugary peaches, left hand-lotiony mango, right knee-buttery mango, left knee-softer, same smell, right ear-warm shampoo, left ear-exact same smell, right foot-no smell, left foot-no smell, head-mild coconut, tropical
Overall response - natural sweet lotions
Felicity on Mary - right elbow-cotton candy, left elbow-sweet and dirty honeysuckle, right hand-smoky leather and gasoline (an old man in a smoking robe fixing his car-pipe in mouth), left hand- totally bad-aids!, right knee- sweet dog, left knee-new jeans and peeling skin also goggle band on a sunny winter day, right ear-hot head (what the head does in the gym), left ear- smells like my mom, right foot-mold, leather and pepper, left foot-dirty belly button and cat breath, head-sweaty salty crab and an old clothes line
Overall response - not as dirty as I may have imagined. 65% sweet, 10% organic, and 25% masculine
Mary on Felicity - right elbow-clean pillow, left elbow-baby powder with vanilla, right hand-crayons that they make for kids that smell like food flavors that they don't make anymore, left hand-easy bake oven, right knee-Victoria's Secret freesia lotion sample from mall store, left knee- soy candle, right ear-what I imagine Tahiti to smell like, left ear-dryer sheet, right foot-dirty band aid, left foot-clothespin in a compost bucket, head-salon hair post old-lady dryer
Overall response - clean with a hint of something growing inside. Like laundry, a ball of it.
Cindy on Felicity - right elbow-eggshells, left elbow-apple, right hand-soap, left hand-lilac, right knee-skin, left knee-orange, right ear-soap, left ear-baby, right foot -shoe lining, left foot-pennies, head-apple
Overall comments - mostly floral and earthy
Felicity on Cindy - right elbow-citrus & ear grey, left elbow- sunburn, citrus, more earl grey, right hand-patchouli, left hand-soil (after a rainstorm), right knee-horse hair, rose petals, left knee- powder and hot dirt, right ear-summer scalp, left ear-suntan and lavender, right foot-sour soap, left foot-sour leather, head-summer cotton
Overall comments - soapy and earthy with a little sour sun
This sniffing session involved a threesome between myself, Saascha and her hubby Babar
Saascha on Felicity: Left Elbow - delicate bees, linen- Right Elbow - Felicity's default smell - sweet and subtle - Left Armpit - melted copper penny with flower sitting in the sun - Right Armpit - China plate made of plastic with empty marmalade jar on it - Left Hand - sweet sunset, copper finger and Felicity's default smell- Right Hand - clean washed baby fruit bat- Left Foot - high-pitched squeaky live turkey with tinfoil hat - Right Foot - wheatgrass and hopscotch on the sidewalk -Neck - Rose Stem, dove's leg, new caterpillar, fresh leaf, ocean breeze - Head - summer cave and washed in flowers- Saascha on Babar: Left Elbow - cool rain- Right Elbow - hardware department at Home Depot: metal- Left Armpit - a bed with wind that has sand on it- Right Armpit - same as left one, but on a skyscraper rooftop- Left Hand - hint of beer and woodblock- Right Hand - sweet newborn animal - likely a mammal- Left Foot - I thought "Holy Shit" then "ahhh... chocolate"- Right Foot - I though "Holy Frigshit" then, as my eye burns I smelled an attic, stagnant swamp and athletic knee-highs- Neck - soft cigarettes, guillotine unused and harmless cobweb - Head - peanut buttter, twigs, sweet wheat cookies, used and one the side of the road - Felicity on Saascha - Left Elbow - Twizzlers - Right Elbow - taffy and lilacs- Left Armpit - oleyvolay and kitty pee- Right Armpit - laundry, sour musk, kitty fur -Left Hand - watermelon, sweet cream -Right Hand - bubble gum and cigarettes - Left Foot - sawdust and a wet towel in a bag - Right Foot - vanilla log - Neck - fresh peas in a gardenia bucket- Head - mac and cheese with ham, tortillas, clean laundry washed with unscented soap, nighttime pillow - Babar on Saascha: Left Elbow - summer- Right Elbow - rose cat- Left Armpit - fresh, moist panties- Right Armpit - yum - Left Hand - Macy's makeup department- Right Hand - 1992- Left Foot - Tom Mckan- Right Foot - Superball- Neck - morning before camping- Head - Volkswagon- Babar on Felicity:Left Elbow - Eugene- Right Elbow - French toast with flowers- Left Armpit - sandalwood- Right Armpit - San Fran coffee shop- Left Hand - organic baby bath- Right Hand - grandma's bathroom- Left Foot - tire at a junk yard- Right Foot - sock on movie theatre floor with red vines and root beer- Neck - 1985 import plaza on the northside- Head - Luxurious hat box from the 60's or 70's- Felicity on Babar: Left Elbow - Vanilla musk- Right Elbow - ripe coconut and inner (as opposed to outer) pee- Left Armpit - clove, pipe tobacco, a great uncle I've never met before- Right Armpit - school supplies, cherry chapstick- Left Hand - sugary rubber- Right Hand - popcorn, christmas tree air freshener - Left Foot - pickles on a plate at a greasy Wisconsin diner- Right Foot - stale deep sea diving suit, an undigested fart- Neck - wine cooler on a hot back porch- Head - water toys, rust, an old lawnmower with grass on its blades, beeswax soap
Palma on Felicity: Left Elbow - synthetic lotion- Right Elbow - synthetic lotion- Left Armpit - secret deodorant - Right Armpit - lotion, airy smell under lotion- Left Wrist - product, astringent salty smell underneath- Right Wrist - earthy sweet- Left Hand - Thai chili pepper, vanilla bean lotion- Right Hand - dry beets and sugar- Left Knee - soil like you have been gardening- Right Knee - earth and still water- Left Foot - earth- Right Foot - earth, dry grass- Neck - flowers and yarrow- Head - shampoo, air in the woods, glacier water
Felicity on Palma: Left Elbow - aged cotton, warmth, rugged lavender roots- Right Elbow - matchsticks- Left Armpit - lentil soup with loads of celery salt- Right Armpit - earl gray tea, hardwood floors washed with oil soap- Left Wrist - laundry, sun, day old baguette- Right Wrist - metallic, peppery, sour smoke- Left Hand - brownie, playground equipment, savory pee- Right Hand - soy sauce, metal, pee- Left Knee - attic, dry dirt- Right Knee - new tires, clumpy brown sugar- Left Foot - metal- Right Foot - metallic butcher shop- Neck - dried cherries, clove, savory stew, sea salt- Head - sweet leather, sweat, sandalwood, toasted walnuts
Michael on Felicity: Left Elbow - floral lotion of some sort- Right Elbow - lavender?- Left Armpit - raw potatoes and soap- Right Armpit - onions, patchouli, soap, lotion- Left Wrist - baby powder, raw fish- Right Wrist - blanched fruit, perfume- Left Hand - chocolate, baby powder- Right Hand - new clothing, chocolate- Left Knee - floral lotion- Right Knee - fruit- Left Foot - vinegar and dirt, rotten vegetables- Right Foot - raw potatoes and swamp- Neck - perfume of aforementioned variety, blood- Head - soup, grease, leather
Felicity on Michael: Left Elbow - sunshine and beer- Right Elbow - roasted chicken skin- Left Armpit - overripe apricot or plum- Right Armpit - baby powder, tabasco, pee- Left Wrist - butter, smoke, sun- Right Wrist - sweet plastic, firewood- Left Hand - dark chocolate, wonder bread- Right Hand - metallic onions- Left Knee - hot olive oil- Right Knee - toasted wheat- Left Foot - dirty diapers, asparagus - Right Foot - my piano teacher's house from when I was 8- Neck - gas, sun, hubba bubba chewing gum- Head - pollution, day old shampoo, clay soil
Gabe on Felicity: Left Elbow - lotion and salt- Right Elbow - Banana Boat- Left Armpit - soft, boyish, musky- Right Armpit - garlic- Left Wrist - vanilla cookie- Right Wrist - ginger snap cookie- Left Hand - moist metal- Right Hand - damp basement- Left Knee - sour leather wallet- Right Knee - Manzinita, the seaside - something that I want- Left Foot - Pok Pok - fish sauce- Right Foot - sour milk and chevre - Neck - sandy beach blanket- Head - My mom when I was 12 at the ski lodge
Felicity on Gabe: Left Elbow - powdered sugar and sun- Right Elbow - sandpaper and hotsauce- Left Armpit - Cheer detergent - Right Armpit - Cheer detergent- Left Wrist - lemon, coffee, sugar- Right Wrist - smoke, a bit of lemon, chile oil- Left Hand - pepper, salt, acidic - Right Hand - vinegar, arugula, burnt sugar- Left Knee - cotton candy- Right Knee - lemongrass, dehydrated poultry- Left Foot - leathery mold- Right Foot - leathery plums, old sheep's cheese- Neck - sage, whiskey, winter- Head - a hot September day, sweet horse stable
Her name is REL. To her, I reek of: laundry detergent, rain, warm cinnamon, powder, sweet flowers, light lavender, coconuts, fruity flowers, damp shoes, more rain, and dog.
To me, REL smells of: Shea butter, vegetable soap, warm vanilla, salt, butter croissant, lanolin lotion, human piss, graham crackers, baby powder, pepper, musk, black cherry, tobacco, spice, rosemary, honeysuckle, maple, leaves, earth, swampy basement.
His name is Paul. To him I smell of: floral tones with a bit of natural body odor, petroleum based hand softener, lotion, deodorant, head, scalp, a little shampoo, mold, and unturned compost.
To me, Paul evokes nasal hues such as: eucalyptus, gasoline, rubber, acidity, coffee beans, lemon, amonia, pepper, oil, vegetable soap, cat pee, unscented soap, smoke, hot scalp, cotton, dirt, overcooked vegetables, dark lavender, damp towels, cacao, and musk.
To me, Jin smells of: vegetable soap, shower, wet hair, earth, sun, patchouli, musk, hanging garment, dust, curry, scallions, rosemary, jojoba, and desert.
To Jin, I smell like: ink, a field of jasmine, fresh, natural, body odor, wet laundry hanging in the sun, cinnamon, vanilla, clean baby bottom.
To me, Misses smells of: French toast, fried potatoes, old cigs, a little dirty, sweet plastic, metal, salt, craft store, musk, grandma's closet.
To Misses, I reek of: softness, vanilla, roses, musk, intoxicating spice.
Snuffy smells like: gasoline, coffee, rubber, musk, lemon, sunshine, winter hat, a girl, onion, and chimney smoke.
To Snuffy, I have scents of: coconuts, sweet fruit, girl shoulders, fingers, candle store at the beach, mushrooms.
To my nostrils, Donald recalls: cigarettes, coffee, cheap soap, clean sheets, man perfume, musk, garlic, onion, cinnamon, organic, dead skin, dry morning air, sour dust, leather, moldy towel, freshly baked bread, wet cave, moss, human oil.
To his nose, I am: coconut, cigarettes, forest, body odor, pine tree car freshener, softness, grass, calloused skin, locker room sweat, shampoo, laundry detergent, fresh lime, stale bar, pho.
To Lee, I smell of: Soap, urine, vinegar, lotion, groomed cat, human, flowers, honey, natural, sharp, crispy mountain spring that has been blown dry, powder, sour milk.
To my nose, Lee recalls: sunburned skin, sweat, cool air, salty sea brine, man deodorant, musk, moisture, earth, testicles, lotion, winter sunshine, warm dirt, rubber, ham, NYC Chinatown mud, murky swamp.
me sniffing Lee